Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Aquarian New Moon

Happy New Moon.

My husband and I have just prepared our first ritual together: A ritual for the New Moon.  Here is our plan.

We will set up the table with a sky blue cloth.  With our equipment ready, we will have an opening prayer. Next, we will call the directions.  To the East we light incense, and ask the Air to purify us.  To the South we light a candle, and ask Fire to awaken the spirit of innocence and play.  To the West, we dip fingers in a chalice of water, and ask that it heal old wounds.  To the North we have a pot of Earth, and ask that it centers and grounds us.

Next we will sit, calm, and center ourselves.  Now we create a ball of light starting from our centers and growing until each of our individual balls join into one. Then we ground our energy with roots to the earth.

After our circle is strong, we will write out our intention on a piece of paper, along with some drawings of icons to remind us of each intention.  Because we are in an air moon, we decided to make paper airplanes out of our list, to keep in a place we will see them daily.  We will include here Words Of Power: (from Marion Weinstien)

There is One Power which is Goddess and God
And which is perfect fulfillment
And we are a perfect manifestation of this Power
Therefore; perfect fulfillment is here and now
For the good of all
According to the Free will of all
And so it must be

Next we will will give a prayer of thanks.  Closing the circle, and thanking each element.

Blow out the candle and ground with a little food and drink.

I will let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, Happy New Moon and Blessed Be.

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