Monday, March 29, 2010

A Year and a Day

I am continuing on my exploration of my spiritual path and it has led me to Wicca.  If you are reading this for experienced information, I will tell you to move on.  I am a Newbie with a capital "N".

Having been raised Christian, and being several times disillusioned by the religion, I have rejected, re-accepted, and rejected it again many times.  There are many reasons for this, but the overwhelming trouble I seem to run into is the feeling of being lied to over and over again.  I'm not saying that I have a problem with the Christians using Pagan rituals and holidays as the basis for their own, but feeling like we aren't up front about our history.  The Christian history is supposed to come straight from the Bible which seems less like an historical document than I'm comfortable with.  The history of the Bible itself remains a mystery, at least to me.  That's all I'm going to say on this subject at the moment.

The reason I began looking into Wicca is really a rather funny one.  I had an audition for Voice Over work for a witchcraft website.  As far as I know, I didn't get the job, but I did visit the site.  It was not what I would call a reputable website - they were really just trying to sell spells, but I started to look around, and what I read increased my interest.

"A New Earth" by Ekhart Tolle had been a life changing book for me.  That along with "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie, and "The Secret", all of which talked about living life in the Now, and to the fullest.  Of course, there is a lot more to these books, and I would recommend any of them, but here I was finding a religion that truly embraced all of these concepts that had been mulling around in my head for the last couple of years.  Concepts which include a divine energy that truly lives in everything around us and inside of us.

So am I now Wiccan?  I don't know.  But I am looking into it.  So here starts my Book of Shadows.  A recording of my journey.  A log of meditations, rituals and spells I might try, as well as, a diary of thoughts and feelings I have along the way.  Let us embark on A Year and a Day.

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